E-commerce Desktop Experience

Responsible Skincare

This is a UX case study detailing the work of Arin Soukoule at a consulting firm.


Product Name: RXD | Category: E-Commerce | Year: 2021 | Role: User Experience Designer (UX)

In today's digital era, we encounter various online experiences, from entertainment streaming services and social media trends to shopping for diverse products. While having access to a variety of online services is advantageous, it is essential to ensure that all user interactions incorporate well-thought-out design choices that prioritize user well-being. Therefore, this project demonstrates how achieving this outcome is possible through intentional design decisions that are user centered.


This project highlights deceptive design patterns and wireframe design patterns to demonstrate prevalent irresponsible design practices in various E-commerce platforms. Additionally, it offers examples of shifting towards more responsible design practices to improve user experience and benefit users.

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Project details

E-Commerce is an industry that has experienced significant growth over the years. According to Adobe's article "Top Ecommerce Statistics for 2023," the United States' retail ecommerce ecosystem generated around $856.8 billion in revenue in 2022. Gen Z and Millennials have increased their investment in online beauty products since the start of the pandemic. As these fashion-savvy age groups influence the beauty sector, it is essential for brands to prioritize their e-commerce strategy by considering the emotional and financial influence they have on their key customers. These factors have led to the creation of “Responsible” and “Irresponsible” online stores, showcasing skincare products while emphasizing design principles that align with the store names.

Landing Page Design (Irresponsible Version)

The design decisions that contribute to the “irresponsible” label of this design can be divided into multiple classifications.

The primary banner features a button labeled "join the fam." This choice of wording might not effectively convey the action to the user upon clicking. From the business’ perspective, although this is an attempt to gather information from the user, the approach is questionable Lastly, the wording of the button could evoke a fear of missing out (FOMO) in users, potentially motivating them to click on it for that reason solely.

Landing Page (Irresponsible)

This brings us to the following concern, where manipulative signals are prevalent in the user experience as a whole. For instance, The usage of phrases such as “Let’s fix your skin!” can have a negative effect on the user's emotions. The language suggests that there is a problem with the user's skin that needs to be addressed. When creating experiences for various user groups, particularly those who can be more easily influenced than others, the choice of words is crucial in shaping the impact.

Landing Page Product Section (Irresponsible)

As the user continues to browse the homepage, they can witness that the merchandise is featured without providing formal details, making it difficult for users to access necessary information. This implies that the company prioritizes increasing sales over informing customers about products tailored to their skincare needs. Adding specifics such as a product points value and remaining stock quantity adds a gamification element, fostering a sense of urgency for users to finalize their purchases. As a designer engaged in this project, my contribution focused on refining the gamification element and brainstorming strategies to enhance the appeal of earning "Flawless Points" and purchasing a product before they ran out of stock for users. These are but a few of the numerous points to consider from this page alone.

Banner & Gamification Exploration

Banner & Gamification Exploration
Remaining Screens from the Irresponsible E-Commerce Experience

Landing Page Design (Irresponsible Version)

In contrast, the responsible design for the landing page focuses on user well-being and their needs. Beginning with the primary call-to-action (CTA) button, encouraging users to complete a skin quiz, promotes inclusivity on the platform. By guiding customers to tailor their shopping experience using the recommendation engine, their preferences are prioritized.

Landing Page (Responsible)
Icon Design Exploration

Secondly, the skincare products showcased on this landing page come with detailed descriptions tailored to specific skin concerns. Users also have the option to "learn more" about each product, which offers them valuable information to make informed decisions that align with their needs.

Ingredient Spotlight (Responsible)

As users scroll through the page, they can view images showcasing skincare enhancements achieved through the products in a carousel. The carousel was created with user accessibility in consideration, accommodating those who use screen readers or keyboard controls for improved accessibility.

Carousel Section (Responsible)

Product Section (Responsible)

These are just a handful of the many aspects on this page that contribute to a responsible design approach.

Wireframes of Mailing List, Reccomendation Engine, and Cart

Product Page Wireframes
Product Graphic Exploration
Skin Quiz Results Page Wireframes
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